Wednesday 21 April 2010

April in the Garden

After three days of really cold weather with temperatures at 3c the wind direction is due to turn so hopefully the next section of the garden work will be tackled. This section is on the shaded part of the garden.

The key features are a Himalayan Birch Tree with its amazing white bark, a Tibetan Cherry Tree with red bark and a Rowan Tree to ward off the witches. All were planted in 1984 when the garden was landscaped and are now well established.

Part of the section called 'the dell' has rhododendrons, azaleas both evergreen and deciduous. Most were purchased at the Glendoick Garden Centre between Dundee and Perth as the Glendoick Hybrids do particularly well in what is really a seaside garden. Underplanting has been successful here with crocuses in March, violets in May and lily of the valley in May/June and both winter and summer flowering heathers. Under the birch are snowdrops in February and bluebells in May.

Another part of the area called 'the mound' has heathers, conifers and ground cover shrubs. This extends into a fernery. Some underplanting is required here so consideration is being given to anemone enmorosa, colchicum autumnale and additional irises.

1 comment:

  1. The area under the cherry is looking impressive already. Are there many witches to be warded off in Portsoy? Perhaps this is impossible to tell owing to the efficaciuosness of the rowan.
