Thursday 17 August 2017

Pittenweem Arts Festival

Dr Anne and her friend SS spent a wonderful day at the Pittenweem Arts Festival.  

Days out with my friends

Dr Anne has enjoyed two days out with her friends. The first day Fearghal and Nora had a pop up shop serving afternoon tea.  The second day the group met at Andrew's pop up shop at Cullen Beach.

Monday 14 August 2017

The Garden at East Neuk

Dr Anne has spent the month of July in the East Neuk Garden.  It was a slog but the fruit of the work is appreciated.  

Junior Summer School

Dr Anne has just returned from Junior Summer School at St Andrews.  There were 26 young people between the ages of 8 and 11.  Helped by Marilyn, Jayne and Joana the children danced, did crafts, performed at the ceilidh, filmed dances for the book 51video, undertook a medal test, played games.  There were two family ceilidhs in addition to the usual programme of dances.  

Games at University Hall

Dancing at the Younger Hall

The boys wait to participate at the ceilidh.

Pointing toes.

Shoe Bags ready for judging

Dr Anne, Marilyn and Jayne

Final day's banner.

Canada Day

Dr Anne had her first trip abroad in 1967 to celebrate the centennial of Canada.  This was a trip that changed her life.  To celebrate the 150th anniversary Dr Anne attended a ceilidh in Princes Street Gardens.

Scottish Traditional Boat Festival

Dr Anne's Dancers with the Vikings

Boats in the new harbour 

The crowds at the Old Harbour

Inspring Aberdeenshire

Dr Anne was short listed for the Banff and Buchan Award in Inspiring Aberdeenshire.  Theresa Allan, Head Teacher at Aberchirder School nominated her for her dancing work in schools.  The awards ceremony was held at Haddo House in June.  Dr Anne attended with Mrs Allan. After a welcome drink and hors d'oeuvres everyone went into the hall for stovies, trifle and coffee with shortbread and tablet.  The assembled crowd was entertained by groups of youngsters from all over Aberdeenshire.  Although Dr Anne didn't win she received a certificate and lapel badge.

Filming at Aberchirder School

The Aberdeenshire Schools' Pipe Band

The finalists of Inspiring Aberdeenshire

Prince Charles

Prince Charles speaks to Daisy.

Primaries 1, 2, 3 from Portsoy School

Prince Charles opened the Sail Loft on the 13th June.  He arrived by helicopter in the public park.  He was introduced to the trustees of PCE and toured the facility.  He chatted with the children from Portsoy School.  Alfie asked him when he would be king and sit on a throne.  Esme told him she had made a flag for him.  One of the pupils asked if Dr Anne was Prince Charles' mother.

Prince Charles meets the Directors of PCE.

Whisky Galore

Whisky Galore has had four showings at the Salmon Bothy since its release in May.  All have been a sell out.  Portsoy is beautiful.

Bella, Alex and Ellen

The audience awaits the start of the performance.

Our squares took in £350.