Sunday 30 June 2013

Race for Life

Dr Anne joined some friends to walk the 5k Race for Life.  
The day was perfect, sunny with a cool breeze.
All retired to Nigel Ross for Cullen Skink and trifle.

Friday 28 June 2013

Tulip Season

The Tulip Season has come and gone at East Neuk.
It was wonderful.

The Rose Season has begun.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Proof of Heaven

Alexander, E. (2012). Proof of Heaven. London: Piatkus.

SS gave Dr Anne a couple of books to read on her last visit to Menstrie.  She took Proof of Heaven with her on the train on Friday.  This was truly a page turner finished within the journey to and from Edinburgh.

Eben developed a bacterial meningitis, went into a coma for 7 days and experienced NDE - Near Death Experiences.  This is the story of his experience from a scientific point of view.

It was an interesting read and is awarded 8/10.