Wednesday 30 May 2012

The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox

O'Farrell, M. (2006). The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox. London: Headline Publishing Group.

Dr Anne found this a deeply moving and beautifully written book.  She was before her time and as a result Euphemia Lennox spent over 60 years in a mental institution.  She went through the trauma of her maid and brother Hugo dying of typhoid.  She had a fiery personality. She went to school to learn and have a career and not a marriage of convenience.  She was raped and ended in an institution.  Nobody visited...

She was discharged as a 70+ something year old to what turned out to be her granddaughter...

Dr Anne could not set the book down even although she should have been in the garden culling the grape hyacinths.  She awards 9/10.

Friday 25 May 2012

So meanwhile, what's happening @ East Neuk?

East Neuk's Garden

The bluebells are in full bloom.

Etoile de Hollande is in bloom.  The scent is amazing.

This is Golden Celebration.

The rhodies and azaleas are coming to their best.

East Neuk might be too traditional for Chelsea but then what goes around comes around. 

Thursday 24 May 2012

What are Dr Anne's favourites from the Chelsea Flower Show



Dr Anne ordered 100 tulips for 2013.

Growing roses on hazel are an idea for future.

The Kaffe Fassett 'sheddie' was a feast of colour.

Dr Anne bought three new hosts for her collection.

The Queen @ Chelsea

This being the Diamond Jubilee, Robecca wanted some ideas for a Flower Festival.

Keep calm and sit down.

English Tea 

A corgi on the door mat

The Crown 

The Diamond Years

The Crown

The Throne and the Orb.

The Corgis

The Crown

Sculptures @ Chelsea

Dr Anne has a great love of sculpture.  

Here are her 2112 favourites.

Can you see this @ East Neuk?

Maybe this?

The coloured glass was special.



This one looked really special in the evening.

Chelsea Flower Show, 2012

Dr Anne and Grey Granite headed to Chelsea for members day.  Having had a relaxing night in the Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel they were fit, enthusiastic and motivated.  Having previously visited the Show they were also focused. Dr Anne and Grey Granite being at the opposite ends of the the Continuum of Gardening, they split and headed off after their favourites.  

The Buzz Garden got a gold.  

Dr Anne liked the idea of cycling to irrigate the plot.

Dr Anne's favourite show garden.

Thursday 3 May 2012

May Day

Dr Anne and SS travelled up from Gatwick with Flybe.  The weather was amazing and the plane flew low level up the east coast of Scotland.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Roma - inside the buildings

The Vatican Museum

The Tapestry Rooms

Follow his eyes - he is watching you

The Rotonda

Apollo Belvedere

St Peter's Basilica

Madonna with the dying Christ in St Peter's Basilica

The Pantheon

The hole in the roof of the Pantheon

Roma - the buildings

The wall around the historic centre

The Palatino - the stadio

The Roman Forum

In the Colosseum

Outside the Colosseum

Outside the Pantheon

Palazzo e Galleria Doria Pamphilj

St Peter's Basilica

The Vatican Guards

The Vatican Courtyard

The River Tiber